【AMA 回顧】金剛戰士 NFT上線在即,Kollect 首度支持 Polygon 鏈讓你無痛收集!

Kollect AMA 活動資訊 & 內容

  • 主題: 金剛戰士 NFT上線在即,Kollect 首度支持 Polygon 鏈讓你無痛收集!
  • 時間:2022/01/20 (四) 20:00-21:00
  • 地點:https://t.me/Blockchainintw
  • 嘉賓:Ethan Chae, CSO of Kollect
  • 主持:Roy

今天的活動將會分為 2 個階段

  1. 答疑:嘉賓回答預先蒐集好的題目
  2. 提問:由社群朋友自由提出疑問


大家好~歡迎參加今晚由 Grenade 及 Kollect 共同舉辦的 AMA,我是今天的主持人 Roy !我們很榮幸邀請 Kollect 的 CSO – Ethan 與我們一起參與這場活動。

Kollect 近期將上線《金剛戰士(PowerRangers)》NFT,將劇中角色化身 NFT 收藏品,搭配GameFi Play to Earn 機制,替收藏家建構新型態應用場景。Kollect也將支持收藏家透過 Polygon 鏈來體驗,目標希望能夠讓更多人一同參與一同歡樂。

Q1. 經過上一次的AMA,相信大家一定對 Kollect 有一定程度的了解,能不能請 Ethan 跟大家簡短介紹一下,Kollect 近期有什麼新的內容發展呢?After the last AMA, I believe that everyone must have a certain degree of understanding of Kollect. Could you please give Ethan a brief introduction to you, what new content development has Kollect recently?

大家好!我是 Kollect 的 CSO:Ethan Chae 很高興見到大家。我是一個連續創業者。我負責商業開發和區塊鏈相關戰略,如Kollect的代幣經濟和獎勵計劃。Kollect團隊一直在努力建設 Kollect 官方平台。
Hello Everyone! I am Ethan Chae, CSO of Kollect. It’s a pleasure to meet you guys!! I am a serial enterpreneur. I take care of the biz dev and block chain related strategy like the token economics and reward programs of Kollect. Kollect team has been working hard to build the official Kollect Platform.

最近,我們通過測試網的活動發佈,從 Kollectors 那裡得到了一些寶貴的意見回饋。這些意見回饋是關於用戶界面/用戶體驗的改進,顯示預計的獎勵,以及增加多樣化的收藏品套裝。針對這些意見回饋讓團隊有了一個更偉大的目標,我們正努力在 Kollect 平台上提供更好的用戶體驗。
Recently we were able to get valued feedback from Kollectors through our testnet laucnh event. The feedback was about UI/UC improvements on staking., showing expected rewards and adding diverse collection sets. Those feedback provided the team a great vision to work on and they are working ahrd to provide better user-experiences on the Kollect platform.

Q2. 我們都知道 Kollect 一直都很積極地與各種大家熟知的知名IP項目合作,根據你們的官方訊息即將推出金剛戰士,可以向大家介紹一下這次的金剛戰士 NFT 的發售亮點嗎?
We all know that Kollect has always been actively cooperating with various well-known IP projects. According to your official information, Power Rangers will be launched soon. Can you tell us about the release highlights of this time?

當然沒問題!大家對 Power Rangers NFTs 出現一定感到非常興奮,因為我們可以使用他們來做非常多的操作。首先,用戶可以將 Power Rangers NFTs 質押到收藏冊的空位,來獲得獎勵。其次,用戶也可以將多張 NFT 卡牌進行合成,以獲得一張新的具有更高稀有度的相同 NFT 卡牌。用戶還可以將 Power Rangers NFTs 轉化成為遊戲中的角色,用於與 Kollect 的遊戲連接遊玩。銷售細節將通過我們的社群管道發布。請一定要繼續關注我們的官方公告!
For sure! Users are excited to get Power Rangers NFTS because there are many things they can do with them. First, Users can stake Power Rangers NFT into an empty slot in a collection book and earn rewards. Second, Users can synthesize multiple NFT cards to get another NFT card with the same or higher rarity.Users can also convert Power Rangers NFT into a game character for play-to-earn games connected to Kollect. The sales dedetails will be released through our social media handles. Please stay tuned for the official announcements!

Q3. 根據官方消息,Kollect 已與 Polygon 達成合作關係,能不能與大家分享一下,選擇將生態佈局在這條鏈上的主因,以及會對用戶帶來什麼好處呢?但目前在 Eth 鏈上的 nft 都比 Polygon 鏈上的 NFT 來得受歡迎,想了解 Kollect 會如何克服這件事情呢?
According to official sources, Kollect has partnered with Polygon.
What can you tell us about the reasons for choosing this blockchain and what are the benefits for users? NFT on Ethereum is currently more popular than NFT on Polygon, how will Kollect be overcoming this problem?

我們 Kollect 團隊在決定平台將該建立在哪裡時,就認為人氣並不是最重要的。我們應該為用戶、 Kollectors 尋找最好的選擇,讓用戶在我們的平台上有一個很棒的體驗。我們選擇 Polygon ,主要有兩個原因。
Popularity is not something the Kollect team is concerned with the most when it comes to deciding where we build our platform on. we look for benefits for our users, Kollecotrs, so they can have a forkless experience on our platform. We chose playgon out of all for mainly two reasons.

  • Kollectors 將能夠體驗到比 Ethereum 快了10倍的交易速度。用戶在購買、合成、質押等方面都將能大幅節省時間。
    kollectors will be able to experience transaction speeds 10 times faster than Ethereum. our users will save their time while they are purchasing, synthesizing, staking and more.
  • Kollectors 需要支付的 Gas fee 會比在以太坊少非常非常多。平均 Gas fee 大約 1/5 美分。用戶就不必再擔心那昂貴的 Gas fee 了
    Kollectors will pay significantly less gas fees than Ethereum. The average gas fee will be a fifth of a cent. Our users won’t ahve to worry about the crazy amount of gas fees anymore!

Q4. 目前 GameFi 板塊還在發展階段,但大多項目似乎前期討論較活躍但後期流量就會開始流失,想了解 Kollect 會如何維持平台的活躍性呢?會考慮向其他 GameFi 一樣開放質押,利用質押的策略來吸引用戶並且讓用戶能長期持有,那麼 Kollect 有開放像是質押的計劃嗎?
At the moment, GameFi is still in the development stage and most projects seem to be more active in the early stages of discussion but start to lose traffic in the later stages.
What will Kollect do to keep the platform active?
Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hodl them long term.
So, does your project have a staking program? If so, can you tell us how we can stake in your platform?

隨著測試版的推出,你將能透過質押 PTP 而產生出 vePT,利用這方式来大幅提升你在我們平 Kollect 將通過各種方式保持平台的活躍:
Kollect is going to keep the platform active through various ways!

  • 新的 IP 將不斷地加入 Kollect 的生態裡。用戶將有不同類型的 NFTs 可以體驗和探索。
  • 新的收藏冊將會為每個 IP 來更新,以保持我們每個 IP 都能夠持續在生態中活躍。
  • 獎勵的部分也會隨時進行動態更新。
  • 正如我前面所說的, Kollect 已經與 Polygon 合作。用戶能夠從這次合作中得到的最大好處之一就是 Polygon 的 Gss fee 是大約只要 1/5 美分。
    這能夠使我們的用戶更自由地進行 NFT 的質押、合成、交易操作,讓平台持續活躍著。
  • Kollect 的 NFT 將能夠與各種遊戲相連接,用戶可以將他們的 NFT 轉換為遊戲角色
  • New IPs will be constantly joining the Kollect ecosystem. Users will have different types of NFTs they can explore and enjoy!
  • new collection sets will be updated for each IPs to keep each IP actie in our ecosystem.
  • dynamic rewards and perks will also be updated through out the time
  • as I said earlier, Kollect has parterned up with Polygon. the one of the biggest benefits that users get from this partnership is that their gas fee is a fifth of a cent. This partnership allows our users to stake/synthesize/trade NFTs more freely with will keep theplatform active.
  • Kollect’s NFT will be connected to various play-to-earn games where users can convert their NFT into a game character

無論是我們的 NFT 還是代幣 $KOL。NFT 的質押計劃是一個收藏冊系統,除了 NFT 之外,你還可以質押 $KOL 獲得額外的獎金和福利。詳細來說,在我們的生態系統中,有兩種類型的收藏冊:分別為公共的和私人的。
Kollect has a system similar to the staking program. Both for our NFTs and Tokens, $KOL
Simply, the staking program for NFT is a collection book system and you can stake $KOL in addition to NFTs for additional Bonuses and perks. To get into details, there are two types of collection books in our ecosystem: public and private

Public collection books are competition-based. Kollectors compete with one another to claim the limited slots available in the public collection book. these limited slots are mostly comprised of the rarer cards within the ecosystem and thus are significantly harder to claim than the slots in the private collection book. once a user has the card necessary to claim a spot, they must then also stake a sum of $KOL.
The user will be rewarded based both the amount of $KOL staked, along with the NFT’s rarity. Private collection books are like individual missions and completion-based. Unline the public collection books where users must compete with each other and gather the needed cards before the slots are all claimed, there is no rush for private collection book completion. The more of each collection you successfully collet and stake, the greater your rewards. If your collecting prowess comes into paly and you are able to successfully complete a whole collection, such as gathering all the female power ragers cards, you can stake the collection itself for bonus and hidden rewards!

Q5. 大家都知道幣圈的節奏非常地快,像是這兩個月資金從 GameFi 移動到近期非常火熱 NFT 版圖,而 Kollect 作為兩者之間的應用平台,能不能與社群朋友分享一下,Kollect 是怎麼看待這兩個賽道,而彼此之間有沒有可能產生新的火花?Kollect 未來是否有什麼相關規劃及發展?
As we all know, the area is fast paced, with funds moving from GameFi to the recent hot NFT scene in the last couple of months.Can you share with the community how Kollect, as an applications platform between the above two areas, sees these two areas.Is there any possibility of new ideas between them?
Are there any plans and developments for Kollect in the future?

我們希望能看見 NFT 市場的摸式能夠進行轉變,因為目前市場仍然是以炒作與投機居多,吸引一些小眾的收藏家和短期獲利的投資者。相反的,我們需要的是一個更加實用的環境,讓 NFT 項目能轉變成一個長期且持續的模式進行,從而使它們能夠迅速的被大眾們欣賞和使用。
We see that the market is eager to see a paradigm shift in the current NFT market, where it’s still primarily driven by hype, pure speculation, and a group of niche collectors and short-term profit-taking investors. Instead, we need a more utility-driven environment to allow NFT projects to transform into a long-term sustainable model so that they can be quickly adopted and appreciated by the masses. The games that have been released due to the Gamefi trend that ahs recently emerged also faces issues. in many cases, the games are of low-quality and have mundane exosystems that don’t provide much value to investors or gamers.

由於最近因 GameFi 熱潮而發布的許多遊戲也開始面臨到了一些問題了,這些遊戲的質量不高,且遊戲生態也很平凡,也不能為投資者或遊戲玩家帶來更多的價值。在許多加密貨幣行業中都存在這些常見的問題,我們 Kollect 平台就此推出獨特的生態系統,直接解決所有常見的 NFT 和低質量的 P2E 遊戲的相關問題。
due to such a apparent and wide-spread issue in the greater cryptocurrency industry, our platform Kollect was born. Directly to solve all the apprent issues of utilites NFTs andlow-quality P2E games our unique ecosystem was born.

依照我們的計劃和發展 Kollect 即將到來的行程:

  • Kollect 將在 Polygon 正式上線
  • Power Rangers NFT 的銷售
  • Voltes V NFT 的銷售
  • 引進新的 IPs

    In terms of our plats and evelopment for Kollect in the near future are to
  • official launch of Kollect on polygon
  • power rangers NFT sales
  • Voltes V NFT sales
  • Introduce of new IPs


Q1. 你能透露一下 Kollect.game 將開發什麼樣子的遊戲嗎?如何玩才能賺錢?Would you reveal what kind of games Kollect.game will develop? How to play to earn?

Kollect 的 NFT 將可用於許多不同遊戲的角色。 我們計劃於 2022 年推出《World of Cards》。 這是一款包含 Kollect 中所有 NFT 的紙牌遊戲,無論你的 NFT 是什麼 IP 。 例如,Power rangers 可以與 Munchie Kings 戰鬥,Munchie Kings 可以與 Voltes V 等紙牌世界中的其他角色戰鬥。這就像紙牌遊戲形式的 ultimate battle of heroes。 我對此感到非常興奮,有人跟我一樣興奮嗎!?是所有投資者都不知道的。只要他們知道我們那麼 Aggressive,他們也不會想要賣太多 Token
There will be many kinds of play-to-earn games that Kollect’s NFT will be used as a game character. The one game that are planned to come out 2022 is called World of Cards. It is a card game encompassing all the NFTs in Kollect regardless of IPs. For example, Power rangers can fight Munchie Kings and Munchie Kings can fight other characters in World of cards like Voltes V. It is like the ultimate battle of heroes in card game form. I am very excited for this one and is anyone excited liek me!?

Q2. 我有發現到 NFT 有不同的稀有度,所以你能告訴我們你有幾個等級嗎?另外,擁有更多稀有的 NFT 會有什麼好處嗎?I realized that the NFTs can have different rarity levels, so can you tell us how many levels do you have? Also what’re the advantages of have more rare NFT?

在 Kollect 中,每個 IP 的稀有度系統可能會有所不同,但通常稀有度系統會包含 common, uncommon, rare, super rare, super super rare, ultra rare。 這就是我們為 munchie Kings 提供的稀有系統。
但對於即將到來的 Power rangers 來說,情況會有所不同。 Power rangers 將擁有一張名為“Build card”的卡,您只需合成完全相同設計的 Build card,即可獲得一張稀有度從 common 到 ultra rare 的卡。 您將不知道您獲得的卡片的稀有度,這就是構建卡片系統的有趣部分!
In Kollect, the rarity system can vary for each IPs, but usually the rarity system will contain common, uncommon, rare, super rare, super super rare, ultra rare. That’s the rarity system we have for munchie Kings. but for upcoming Power Rangers, it will be little diffeerent. The Power rangers will have a card called “Build card” Simply you will have to synthesize build cards of exact same designs to get a card with rarities from common to ultra rare. You will not know which rarity of the card you get and that’s the fun part of the build card system!

Q3. 你能舉列出該項目最特色之處來對比同領域裡的競爭對手嗎?你認為你的項目具有哪些優勢呢?Can you list the most important features of this project to distinguish it from competitors in the same field? What advantages do you believe most in your project?

“可兌換性的 NFT 收藏品:Kollect 中提供的 NFT 是源自具有現有粉絲群的 IP 的高質量藝術品。我們將從 Power Rangers 開始,但未來會更多。我們的 NFT 卡不僅僅是收藏品;它們是角色,項目,以及將圍繞 Kollect 生態系統構建的元宇宙。Play to Earn Game:從遊戲專家的角度來看,現有的區塊鏈遊戲項目缺乏高質量遊戲的細節。 NFT 遊戲通常由缺乏遊戲行業經驗的人作為實驗項目構建,還有很大的改進空間。 Kollect 為年輕市場帶來了數十年的遊戲開發經驗。

具有可擴展性的平台:Kollect 不是像 Axie Infinity 或 NBA Top Shot 這樣的單一 IP 平台。它也不僅僅是一個活動(交易、收集或遊戲)的平台。我們可以為所有人服務。我們的 NFT 卡的一個特殊功能是它們在創建時考慮到了遊戲。最初,Kollect 平台中的所有 NFT 卡牌都可以在我們的卡牌對戰遊戲中使用。未來,NFT 卡將與我們的 Kollect.game 孵化平台中的遊戲相關。我們相信,在我們解決上述 NFT 領域所遇到的猖獗問題時,這將會帶領 Kollect 邁向成功。 “

“NFT Collectibles with Convertibility: The NFTs offered in Kollect are high-quality artworks derived from IPs with existing fandom. We will begin with Power Rangers, but more will come in the future. Our NFT cards are not just collectibles; they are characters, items, and much more in the universe that is to be built around the Kollect ecosystem.
Play-to-earn Games that are Fun: From game experts’ point of view, existing blockchain gaming projects lack details of high-quality games. Usually built as experimental projects by people with little experience in the gaming industry, the NFT games have plenty of room to improve. Kollect brings decades of game development experience to the young market.
Platform with Scalability: Kollect is not a platform for single IP like Axie Infinity or NBA Top Shot. Nor is it a platform for one activity (either trading, collecting, or gaming) only. We can serve all. One exceptional feature of our NFT cards is that they have been created with games in mind. Initially, all the NFT cards in the Kollect platform can be used in our card battle game. In the future, the NFT cards will be related to the games featured in our Kollect.game launcher.
We believe all of the following will contribute to the success of Kollect as we tackle and address problems that are currently rampant within the NFT space. “

Q4. 在 “Power Rangers NFTs” 項目中,會有壞人的類別角色嗎?In “Power Rangers NFTs” project, it will have bad guy camp collections?

哈哈,這是個好問題! 絕對有可能會有一個壞人系列! 還有可能會有一個收集所有系列的粉紅遊俠的套裝。可能會有一個特別的收藏集,可以收集每個 IP 的女性角色,粉紅遊俠,Munchie King 的 Mulan 等等。 Kollect 團隊正在努力為用戶提供一個有趣的收集體驗,所以請繼續關注!
HAHA this is a good question! There is a definetly a possibility that there will be a villian collection! There might a collection set for pink ragners from all series. There could be a cross over collection sets for collecting female character from each IP, pink rangers, mulan from munchie kings, and etc. Kollect team is working hard to provide a fun collecting experiences to the users so please stay tuned!

Q5. 請問《Gods unchained》能夠在Kollect中購買或交易嗎?這是一個非常著名的遊戲呢!我有非常多卡牌組合!!!
Can Gods onchained cards also be purchased and traded in kollect? It’s a very famous game! I have a lot of decks!!!

是的! 我們計劃在平台上建立一個二級市場,用戶可以直接在我們的平台上交易 NFT。 更多詳細資訊可以透過我們的社交媒體管道查詢,敬請關注官方公告! 感謝您支持我們!
Yes! Kollect plans to have a secondary market places within our platform where users can trade NFTs directly in our platform. The updates and details will be released through our social media handles so please stay tuned for the official announcements! Thank you for supporting us!

今天的 AMA 就到這結束,謝謝大家!

再次感謝我們今天的嘉賓,想進一步了解 Kollect 最新進展或動態的社群朋友們,可以通過以下方式關注他們的最新進展:
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Twitter : https://twitter.com/kollect_cards

