Lithium Finance AMA 活動資訊 & 內容
- 主題:Lithium Finance 如何在新的機制下,為未定價的資產產生準確的價格預估和全新的獎勵機制
- 時間:2022/04/07 (四) 20:00-21:00
- 地點:
- 嘉賓:Lithium Finance CEO- Kelvin Lam
- 主持:Roy
今天的活動將會分為 2 個階段
- 答疑:嘉賓回答預先蒐集好的題目
- 提問:由社群朋友自由提出疑問
AMA 開始了喲!很高興能夠邀請到 Lithium Finance CEO- Kelvin Lam 來一同參與這場 AMA 活動,可以先請各位來賓做個 Lithium Finance 簡單介紹嗎?
大家晚上好! 我是 Lithium Finance 的 CEO-Kelvin,今晚真的很興奮能和我們的台灣社群一起參與活動。
Q1:經過 Lithium 在 Grenade 舉辦過的兩場 AMA,大家對 Lithium 一定都有基本的了解,本次活動為了讓社群更進一步了解 Lithium 主要提供的服務,能不能請 Kelvin 再次簡單說明下 Lithium 的應用服務還有 Lithium 與之前相比的有什麼不同的地方嗎?
A1:Pricing information for private assets is often unavailable because an active market does not exist, creating frictions and transaction costs. Lithium Finance sources accurate pricing for illiquid assets by bringing market participants together through economic incentives.
(由於個人的私有資產是缺乏流動性的所以在定價資訊上通常都不太可靠,因此在市場上進行交易時會產生交易成本的摩擦,而 Lithium Finance 將藉由獎勵的制度將市場參與者凝聚在一塊,一同為非流動性資產提供準確的定價。)
At its core, the mission of Lithium has always been to harness decentralized collective intelligence for better decision making. More specifically, our initial focus is to apply collective intelligence to solve the pricing problem for illiquid assets. We remain laser focused on this mission and have been privileged to have received many insightful feedback through user research and community engagement. These allowed us to continually improve the protocol design. Key updates include introduction of a reputation scoring (known as Market Influence Capital), an optimized pricing mechanism based on reputation weighted two-way price estimates, and the updated reward mechanism to incentivize accurate pricing.
(Lithium 的核心使命就是利用去中心化的群眾智慧來做出最好的決策。 更具體地來說,我們最初的重點就是利用群眾智慧來解決非流動資產的定價問題。 我們始終專注於這一部分,也收到許多用戶們及社群參與者所提供給我們非常好的建議。 而這些建議讓我們不斷地進步, 有幾個比較重要的更新像是:引用信用評價(稱為市場的資本影響力)、基於信用加權的雙向估價機制,以及更新定價準確的獎勵機制。)
More details are available at
Q2:我們都知道集結群眾智慧估價是 Lithium 的主要功能,能不能再請 Kelvin 介紹下群眾智慧應用是怎麼在 Lithium 上運作的?估價是否會隨時間進行更動呢?
A2:Normally, current price of an asset is obtained by observing its latest transaction price in the market. However, the latest transaction of an illiquid asset such as a painting or a house could have taken place 10 years ago and yet pricing is likely to have moved substantially over that 10 years.
(通常,當前資產的價格都是透過觀察市場最近的交易價格所獲得的。 然而,一幅畫或房子等等這些非流動性資產,最近的交易時間可能是發生在 10 年前,但價格可能在那 10 年內發生了明顯的變化。)
Lithium brings market participants together to price illiquid assets on demand so that you will not need to wait for perhaps 10 years for the next transaction. So, the answer is yes. Through the Lithium protocol, users will be able to obtain updated pricing over time. In fact, users will also be able to commission regular and long term pricing for an asset to obtain frequent price updates in a time series.
(Lithium 是將市場的參與者凝聚在一塊,去依照擬定的需求來替非流動性資產做定價,所以我們所提供的定價答案是非常能夠確定的,這樣用戶就不需要等待 10 年的時間來進行下一次交易 。 現在通過 Lithium 協議,用戶將能夠隨著時間的推演而獲得最新的定價。 事實上,用戶還可以委託定期與長期的資產定價,而獲得在各個時間中的價格更新。)
A3:That’s a very important question. A lot of focus has been put on ensuring the integrity of the protocol in the design of Lithium.
(這是一個非常好的問題,在設計規劃 Lithium 時,我們就非常專注在確保整個協議的完整性。)
First, our reward mechanism is structured to incentivize Price Experts to offer genuine and accurate pricing. Price Experts are rewarded based on stakes and accuracy. The optimal action for any user would be to provide their best pricing estimates to maximize financial return.
(首先,我們的獎勵機制主要就是要去激勵專家們,提供最真實又準確的定價。 價格專家會根據質押和準確性來獲得獎勵,他們將提供最好的定價預計給用戶,以獲取最好的獎勵回報。)
Second, we introduced a non-transferrable reputation token to track performance of Price Experts. Pricing submitted by reliable and high performing Price Experts will be given more weight and influence. In fact, price estimates from a new user without reputation will carry no weight at all until it has earned sufficient reputation through participation in the ecosystem. Malicious actors’ reputation will also be slashed, providing positive feedback that will continuously improve the protocol integrity.
(第二,我們採用了不可轉讓的信用代幣來追蹤價格專家的表現。 若是由可靠且表現出色的價格專家所提交的定價,將被賦予相對強大的權重及影響力。然而,若是沒有信用的新用戶所做出的價格預估,將不會有任何權重及影響力的,所以用戶們都必須透過參與生態系統來漸漸贏得足夠的信用。相對的,若是出現有惡意行為,那麼做出惡意行為者的信用將會被調降。
Third, our pricing mechanism adopts a two-way bid-ask estimates model. Lithium takes these inputs together with the reputation token stake in a market clearing logic to produce the output pricing. Given rewards are allocated based on accurately estimating the mean bid and ask, it is not in the financial interest for users to submit outlier price estimates. Outlier submissions from bad actors with low reputation will not be cleared or will be absorbed through the clearing logic. For example, even if some bad actors with certain reputation attempt to skew the market by submitting bid estimates of $1000 on an asset that should be worth $100, other Price Experts estimating ask price of $100 will absorb those bid estimates and the output will remain at $100.
(第三,我們的定價機制是採用雙向買賣估算的方式。 Lithium 會將這些輸入的資料與信用代幣質押於市場清算機制中,並且由這個機制產生出來的定價來斷定,而獎勵是根據準確預估平均出價和要價來分配的,當用戶所提交的價格離群眾價格預估不符合經濟利益。 信用低下的不良行為者所做的異常提交將不會被清除或將透過清除機制吸收。 例如,即使某些具有一定信用的不良行為者試圖通過對價值 100 美元的資產提交為 1000 美元的出價預估來扭曲市場,但其他預估要價 100 美元的價格專家將吸收這些出價預估,並讓輸出價格將保持在 100 美元。)
You will also see on our whitepaper that additional controls such as staking limits and encrypted submissions will also be in place to strengthen integrity of the protocol.
Q4:我們相信要真正吸引到用戶及專家們,良好的獎勵機制是必要的,可以跟我們說明下 Lithium 有什麼獎勵機制嗎?Lithium 所發行的代幣(LITH)是否就是用來做為獎勵使用呢?持有 LITH 有什麼好處呢?
A4:You are right. Rewards will be denominated in LITH and/or other distributions (such as other tokens, whitelisting spots, or NFTs).
(你說的對, 獎勵機制的部分都是以 LITH 和或其他方式呈現的(例如其他代幣、白名單或 NFT)
There are two main actors in the ecosystem: Price Experts and Price Seekers. Price Seekers are individuals or entities that need to know the price of an illiquid asset like NFT’s, crypto projects, etc. On the other hand, Price Experts are subject matter experts with insight into these prices.
(整個生態系統之中有兩個主要參與者:分別為價格專家和價格搜尋者。 價格搜尋者是需要了解非流動性資產(如 NFT、加密項目等)價格需求者。另一方面,價格專家就是對這些非流動性資產的價格有深入了解的專家。)
Lenders, for example, will need regular updates on pricing of an asset (such as NFT) to enable lending secured by that asset. So if a Price Seeker needs to know the price of a high value and illiquid NFT, they will put up a bounty for Price Experts to provide their opinion, and these Price Experts will also have to stake reputation and LITH tokens to signal their confidence. So through economic incentives like token bounties and reputation grading, Price Experts are always incentivized to provide accurate answers.
(例如:貸方會需要定期去更新資產(例如 NFT)的定價,以確保該資產所擔保的貸款。 因此,如果價格搜尋者需要了解高價值且非流動性 NFT 的價格,他們將懸賞給價格專家們,請價格專家來提供意見,而這些價格專家必須透過質押信用和 LITH 代幣,來表明他們的對答案的信心。 因此,透過代幣獎賞和信用評級等激勵措施,來激勵價格專家們去提供最準確的答案)
LITH is the backbone to connect users exchanging collective intelligence.
(LITH 代幣是用來進行群眾智慧的交易核心)
Q5:大家都非常期待 Lithium 上線,因為目前市場上沒有像 Lithium 所提供的服務應用,有預計什麼時候會上線呢?可以向大家透露一下 Lithium 接下來的發展嗎?
A5:We are really excited that Lithium’s private testnet has recently been deployed. Core logic has been completed and the team is working hard in testing and developing user interface and other launch features. Our marketing team will be sharing more updates on the progress very soon.
(我們非常地興奮,因為 Lithium 的封閉測試網於最近部署完成了。 整體的核心邏輯技術也完成了,團隊也正在努力進行測試和開發使用者的介面及其他功能,我們的團隊會盡快分享更多的消息給大家。)
In terms of timeline, we are looking at shipping the public testnet this quarter and the beta mainnet in Q3.
(按照時程表來說,我們希望能夠在這季發布公開測試網,並在第三季度發布 beta 主網。)
Q1:關於 Lith 的質押獎勵近期會有更新的計劃嗎?
A1:我們的 staking 計劃剛剛結束。有參與的用戶現在都可以領取他們的獎勵囉。
A2:好問題!我剛有提到我們最近完成部署了封閉測試網,我們計劃在接下來的兩個季度內建立一個公共測試網和主網 beta。 我們當然希望得到您的反饋和參與,以幫助我們更加完善,有提供幫助的用戶將能夠贏得代幣和其他獎勵。
Q3:Kelvin 您好,真的非常期待 Lithium !想請問假如我今天是想要賣古董或是傳家寶的賣家,那麼我該如何提供我的實品供價格專家估價?並且要如何證明我的物件真實存在,不是虛構或是假貨?另外,對於買方而言,如果遇到了不發貨的賣家該如何提供相對應的保障?(如何對物件下單也是我想請教的問題)感謝今天的 AMA!
A3:原先 Lithium 就是專注於建立一個群體情報資訊來評斷市場的情況與定價的平台。 Lithium 本身不是交易所或交易市場。
當價格尋求者諮詢我們的價格專家時,他們認為市場已經準備好為一件古董支付費用時,詢問將會明確說明該物品的狀況。 例如,該物品是真品且狀況是否良好但有脫色。 然後,價格專家們將聚集在一起,去根據這些假設提供價格來估值。
Lithium 的目標是提供定價參考,以便買賣雙方可以放心交易。 顯然除了價格預估鑒察之外,還需要進行額外的調查。
Q4:主網推出後 Sprint board 會持續更新嗎?
Q5:Lithium 是部署在那些區塊鏈網路上呢?
A5:我們目前正在研究一些有 EVM 兼容的選項。
今天的 AMA 就到這結束,謝謝大家!
再次感謝我們今天的嘉賓,想進一步了解 Lithium Finance 最新進展或動態的社群朋友們,可以通過以下方式關注他們的最新進展:
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更多文章:為什麼我們需要 Lithium Finance 為非流動性資產定價?