導言 Introduction
Questioning is the innate nature of human being. Its essence is to search the “never-changed eternality” behind the “ever-changing” world. Tian Wen – universal questions – is the ultimate question of all questions – not only the universal questions of all things by the curious human being, but also the tracing of the universe-man relationships by all living creatures who share the same universe. When a man is born into the world, the beginning of his/her childhood is like the beginning of the creation. Everything is fresh because of the unknown. People are curious because of the unknown, and they view the world because of the curiosity. People have worldviews because of their views of the world. Questioning is not for answers, perhaps there are no answers. Questioning is for our existence as human beings. Learning by questioning, we acquire knowledge and perceptions. Responding to questions, we are civilized and enlightened.
Science and art, man’s two views of the world. The core value of the two lies in the constant destructions and establishments of human worldviews, as well as the re-inventions of human daily life by means of thought experiments. This commonness based on differences makes the two meet in the way of “exhausting the universe-man relationships, comprehending the changes of all times”. “Different paths lead to the same destination” is the basis for the questioning and communicating between science and art.
“世界青年科學家峰會”(WYSS)是由中國科協和浙江省政府主辦,浙江省科協和溫州市政府承辦的國際性活動。首屆世界青年科學家峯會於 2019 年 10 月在浙江溫州成功舉辦,習近平主席發來賀信,來自 102 個國家、地區和國際科技組織的海內外科學家與會。“天問:世界觀的對話”國際論壇是“2020 世界青年科學家峯會”在杭州的主題專場活動,將於 2020 年 10 月 15 日至 21 日在杭州與溫州兩地舉辦,由浙江省科學技術協會和中國美術學院聯合主辦,將在全球範圍邀請涉足自然科學、社會科學以及人文文化領域的學者參與,將以藝術的形式發問科學,也從科學的角度解讀藝術,共同針對系列普遍性問題而開啓全球科學家與人文學者的跨領域對話。
World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS) is organized by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, is undertaken by the Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology and the Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government. The First World Young Scientist Summit was successfully held in October 2019 with a congratulatory letter from President Xi Jinping. Scientists from 102 countries, regions and international scientific and technological organizations have participated in the summit. As a special event of WYSS 2020, Inter-World-View 2020 (IWV 2020) is joint-sponsored by CAST and China Academy of Art (CAA). It will take place in Hangzhou and Wenzhou from 15th to 21st October 2020, with scholars invited globally from the fields of natural science, social science, and humanistic culture. It will question science in the form of art, interpret art from a scientific perspective, and will highlight a series of cross-disciplinary debates on the universal questions that are interested by both scientists and humanistic intellectuals.
主辦單位 | 中國科學技術協會 + 浙江省人民政府
承辦單位 | 浙江省科學技術協會 + 溫州市人民政府
時間 | 2020 年 10 月 18-19 日
地點 | 中國溫州
杭州分場 | 天問:世界觀的對話
聯合主辦 | 中國美術學院+浙江省科學技術協會
時間 | 2020 年 10 月 15-21 日
地點 | 中國杭州·中國美術學院
World Young Scientists Summit 2020
China Association for Science and Technology
The People’s Government of Zhejiang Province
Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology
Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government
18th – 19th October 2020
Wenzhou China
Inter-World-View 2020
Inter-World-View 2020
China Academy of Art
Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology
15th – 21st October 2020
China Academy of Art, Hangzhou China
主題片 1.0 版本
Panel 1 – 10.15
Science 科學 · 學問 Knowledge
“ 分科之學的統一之道 ”
“Great Unity of All Knowledges”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
高世名 施一公
盛曉明 金允哲 奧雷·伯曼
GAO Shiming SHI Yigong
SHENG Xiaoming Yunchul KIM Ole BOUMAN
主持 / Moderators
姜珺 劉益紅
JIANG Jun LIU Yihong
時間:10 月 15 日(週四) 18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time : 18:30 – 21:30, Oct.15, Thursday
Venue : Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
In Latin, Scientia means knowledge. Meanwhile, in the context of Chinese civilization, knowledge is the ultimate exploration and enquiry of “the relations between universe and man”, which has been embedded in all knowledges. Knowledges could be therefore unified as ONE because of the unity of “heaven-earth and human”. In modern times, translated from Japan, science refers more to “the science of disciplines”, in which “the universe-man relationship” is diluted in the branches of natural sciences, social sciences and humanistic cultures, and it’s harder and harder for knowledges to be back to the whole because of the restriction of the branches. While physics pursues the unification of basic theories, is there a value for the unification of all knowledges? What is the way of the unification of all knowledges?
Panel 2 – 10.16
Physics 物理|思辨 Meta-Physics
“ 實證之餘,思辨之始 ”
“Where Empiricism Ends, Speculation Starts”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
湯姆·麥克利什 何塞·伊格納西奧·拉託
張永和 莉·波薩吉爾 郝景芳
Tom McLEISH Jose Ignacio LATORRE
Yung-Ho Chang Lea PORSAGER HAO Jingfang
主持 / Moderators
劉畑 張婷
時間:10 月 16 日(週五) 18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time : 18:30 – 21:30, Oct.16, Friday
Venue : Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
From the physical investigation of objects, to the metaphysical acquirement of knowledges, from the experiences of logics and experiments, to the transcendences of speculations and imaginations, modern physics‘ explorations on the essence and the unknown have made its boundaries unprecedentedly extensive, which have penetrated the once exclusive category of philosophy, into the dimensions of theology, aesthetics and metaphysics, and has become a discipline of “universal questions” that is constantly reinventing the world views of human being. If non-empirical-ness has become the subject of physics in the future, will physics replace philosophy as the main battlefield of speculation? And what kind of cross-references will be formed between physical speculation based on rational deduction, and theology, aesthetics, metaphysics based on meditation and perception?
Panel 3 – 10.17
Quantum 量子|生命 Anima
“ 超距幽靈與生命秩序 ”
“Spooky Action & Life Order”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
莫妮卡·貝洛 半導體
安提·塞帕儂 弗蘭克·馬奇斯 成素梅
Mónica BELLO Semiconductor
主持 / Moderators
莫妮卡·貝洛 姜珺
時間:10 月 17 日(週六) 18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time:18:30 – 21:30, Oct.17, Saturday
Venue:Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Science used to exclude the subject from the objective world, and understood almost nothing about the paradoxes of cause-effects and chances, until the emergence of quantum theory recently. On the one hand, the common sense of mankind based on classical physics has been broken down, on the other hand, the discovery of the consciousness-matter interaction in quantum mechanics has been almost a resurge of the traditional “universe-man” world view, in which object and me are united in one. The uncertainty of quantum leaves spaces for the subjective nature of life. Based on the practice of “feeding on negentropy” and “reversing the entropy increase”, the order of life, as opposed to the disorder of non-life, has reconstructed the meaning of life and human as the subject of its own. What is the essence of life? What are the deeper principles behind its purpose? How to establish the synchronization for the universe and man?
Panel 4 – 10.18
Universe 天文|人文 Civilization
“ 天人之際 ”
“Link of Universe and Man”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
張文江 孫英剛 趙冬梅
蘇珊娜·特雷斯特 鈕衛星
ZHANG Wenjiang SUN Yinggang
ZHAO Dongmei
Suzanne TREISTER NIU Weixing
主持 / Moderators
丁筱 姜珺
時間:10 月 18 日(週日) 18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time:18:30 – 21:30, Oct.18, Sunday
Venue:Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Historically, astronomy has never been a science of merely “observing the celestial phenomena and issuing the official calendars”, but a “total knowledge” that had deep relationships with humanities such as politics, culture, philosophy and religion, which in return followed the observed pattern of astronomy to achieve its enlightenment as well as a civilized world. How does cosmos-view derived from astronomy drive the evolution of the human world-view? What is the value of the once ubiquitous “universe-man relationship” and its method of “following the law of nature” for today? Can the evolution of modern astronomy reconstruct enlightenment for modern civilization?
Panel 5 – 10.19
Intelligence 智能|藝術 Art
“ 兩個 AI 的協同進化 ”
“Co-evolution of the 2 AIs”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
孫周興 王洪喆 RAQS 媒體小組
蒂姆·馬祖洛 白培耕 徐維靜 羅巍 卡洛·拉蒂
SUN Zhouxing WANG Hongzhe
RAQS Media Collective
Tim MARZULLO Benjamin Bacon
Vivian Xu LUO Wei Carlo RATTI
主持 / Moderators
高世名 姜珺
GAO Shiming JIANG Ju
時間:10 月 19 日(週一) 19:00 – 22:00
Time:19:00 – 22:00, Oct.19, Monday
Venue:Auditorium, College of Business & Public Management, Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou
目前的人工智能是在一個可預測的世界模型之上建立起的運算與反饋機制,其本質是理性個體假設。問題在於,如何以算法應對無數社會性個體之間充滿非理性和偶然性的相互作用?在人工智能的 AI 之外,我們還有藝術智性(Artistic Intelligence)的 AI,那裏是人類創造力的保留地。真正的科學與藝術是系統地破立三觀的學問。科學和藝術的合作不應限於工具性的整合,而是要互爲參照,互爲啓蒙。因此,在“數碼物件”的井噴之外,是否應有一種“數碼主體”的探索,以作爲科藝融合的新邊疆,重新定義“何以爲人”的內涵?
The present artificial intelligence is a calculation-feedback mechanism based on a predictable world model, which is derived from a rational inpidual hypothesis. The question is, how can algorithms deal with the irrational and accidental interactions of countless social inpiduals? In addition to the Artificial Intelligence AI, we also have the Artistic Intelligence AI, which is the cultural reserve of human creativity. The objective of science and art, then, is in consciously and systematically challenging and even breaking the traditional world view. Cooperation between science and art should not be limited to mere instrumental integrations, but references and enlightenments for each other. Therefore, in addition to the proliferation of Digital Objects, should there be an exploration of the Digital Subjects to redefine How Human be Human as a new frontier of scientific and artistic integration?
Panel 6 – 10.20
Crisis 危機|轉機 Change
“ 激進市場與思想實驗 ”
“Radical Market
& Thought Experiments”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
埃裏克·格倫·韋爾 維塔利克·布特林
Eric Glen WEYL Vitalik BUTERIN
主持 / Moderators
黃孫權 劉益紅
HUANG Sunquan LIU Yihong
評述 / Commentator
閻晗 劉懌斯
YAN Suji LIU Yisi
時間:10 月 20 日(週二) 18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time:18:30 – 21:30, Oct.20, Tuesday
Venue:Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
生產力降低,經濟停滯,衝突與不均的全球危機現象,乃因全球化內在的掠奪性積累、壟斷、分配不公、勞動力流動限制等所造成。”激進市場 ” 是一場邁向激進改變的思想實驗,以之籌劃經濟、社會、資訊技術的由下而上的未來方案,同時考慮到自由市場的配置效率與投資誘因,成爲社會性共好的轉機。什麼是當下危機的關鍵問題?如何在自由經濟與國家在長期風險管控方面的經濟干預之間取得平衡?現代社會如何應對與系統複雜性正相關的伴生風險?
The global crises of declining productivity, economic stagnation, conflict and inequality are caused by the inherent predatory accumulation, monopoly, and inequitable distribution of globalization, restrictions on labors’ mobility. The “radical market” is a thought experiment seeks “radical change”, in order to plot the bottom-up economic, social, and informational technology plans of future, taking into account the allocation efficiency of the free market and investment incentives at the same time, and turning crisis into opportunities for the common good. What are the critical issues of the current crisis? How to strike a balance between a free economy and state economic intervention in long-term risk management? How does modern society deal with the associated risks that are positively correlated with its system complexity?
Panel 7 – 10.21
Anticipation 預測|想象 Imagination
“ 一切問題的問題 ”
“Question of All Questions”
嘉賓 / Keynote Speakers
庫哈斯 溫鐵軍
弗朗西斯科·韋爾索 周亞平
Francesco VERSO ZHOU Yaping
主持 / Moderators
斯蒂芬·彼得曼 姜珺
時間:10 月 21 日(週三),18:30 – 21:30
地點:杭州·中國美術學院象山校區·山北體育館(8 號樓)
Time:18:30 – 21:30, Oct.21, Wednesday
Venue:Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
If science is the grasp of objective laws, after all it is about the anticipation and imagination of the future, based on which it can verify or falsify the laws. The future brings together our fear of death and our obsession with life. It is the sum total of all unknowns and the problem of all problems. Whether it is a rational prediction or a poetic imagination of “then and there”, as the myriad refractions of “here and now”, it always reshapes our worldviews in the mysterious entanglement of the “knowable and unknowable”, and influences our choices with our instincts in seeking fortunes and avoiding misfortunes. To what extent is the future predictable? What is the relationship between history and the future? Is there an absolute good future and a bad future? And what is the meaning of imagination?
世界青年科學家峰會 2020
【時間】2020 年 10 月 18-19 日
【時間】2020 年 10 月 15-21 日
杭州會場 · 中國美術學院團隊
溫州會場 · 浙江省科學技術協會團隊
World Young Scientists Summit 2020
Sponsor: China Association for Science and Technology
The People’s Government of Zhejiang Province
Organizer: Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology + Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government
Date: 18th-19th October 2020
Location: Wenzhou, China
Inter-World-View 2020
Co-organizer: China Academy of Art (CAA) +
Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology (ZAST)
Date: 15th – 21st, October 2020
Location: China Academy of Art, Hangzhou China
Academic Host: GAO Shiming
Project Consultants: HAN Xu + WU Xiaohua + DUAN Weibin + YU Jiadi + JIN Saiying
Hangzhou Venue – CAA Team
Chief Curator: JIANG Jun + LIU Yihong
Installation & Performance: TAN Bin + ZHANG Binbin + LIU Yinchuan
Spatial Design: LI Shiqi
Visual System: Deviant Fly Design Studio
Acoustic System: QI Mengjie
Website Design: HU Xiaochen
Forum Coordination: GU Wenjia
Forum Liaison: ZHANG Ting
Contents Assistant: FENG Yuchun
Translation Coordinator: SU Yating
Creative Collective: Institute of Society & Strategy , SDI, CAA
Wenzhou Venue – ZAST Team
Gereral Planner: DAI Li
Curatorial Coordination: Wang Guangnian
Project Execution: Yin Xiaoshuo
Content Coordination: Guo Beini
Media Communication: City Express Team
Co-curated with:
Arts at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Institute of Network Society, CAA
Xuanji Research Workshop, CAA
Thanks to:
School of Design & Innovative, CAA
West Lake University
Wenzhou-Kean University
Too Black Furniture
*本活動爲 2020 年度中國美術學院重點高校建設美美與共工程資助項目
*This forum is funded by Harmony of Aesthetics Project of China Academy of Art among Key University Construction Program 2020
(主海報 / Main Version)
(主講嘉賓版海報 / keynote Speaker Version )
(創作者版海報 / Creative Collective Version)
*本活動爲 2020 年度中國美術學院重點高校建設美美與共工程資助項目
*This forum is funded by Harmony of Aesthetics Project of China Academy of Art among Key University Construction Program 2020